How To Create An Irresistible Offer
I few weeks ago I did a presentation about Creating an Irresistible Offer. See, it doesn’t matter what business you are in, what services or products you are presenting, you need to have an offer that is so good that people will be willing to stop what they are doing to buy what you are offering. Let’s start by defining what an Irresistible Offer is. Mark Joyner – one of the most successful internet marketers today – describes it as “an offer central to a product, service, or company where the return on investment is communicated so clearly and efficiently that is immediately apparent you’d have to be a fool to pass up.”
So what does an Irresistible Offer do?
- It cuts through all the noise and clutter
- It creates an itch the buyer has to scratch
- It makes doing business with you so easy and obviously beneficial that you stand out from the crowd
People can’t move quickly enough to give you their money
- It sparks the customer’s imagination and creates an urgent, gotta-have-it now, buying frenzy
So what are the elements of an Irresistible Offer? Mark Joyner describes them as the following:
- A High ROI Offer – every purchase is essentially an investment. And if your customers are not getting somewhere from you that is perceived as greater in value than what they are investing, then they are getting a negative return and you won’t be doing business very long.
The Touchstone – it’s a statement that addresses as many of the following points as possible:
- Here’s what we are selling
- Here’s how much it will cost
- Here’s what’s in for you
- Here’s why you should trust us
Believability – the bigger and bolder you make your Touchstone, the more difficult it is to prove, and the harder you have to work to sell your believability and your credibility. People have to believe your offer.
So how do we get people to see your Irresistible Offer? Below we’ll describe somewhat in detail the steps in creating an Irresistible Offer and how to drive traffic to it.